The fact that one was at Disneyland and that the bag was dedicated to Ariel, the well-known Little Mermaid Princess, might have made one think of a game. In fact, Coperni’s new Swipe Bag confirms it to be magnificent territory for creative experimentation as well as technique. Over the past few years, the brand’s designers have given themselves precise rules for this model: a design immune to the passage of time and decidedly cool combined with extreme research into materials. From the moon rock found in 1968 in the south of France to the one made of 99% air (and 1% glass), made with silica aerogel, NASA’s nanomaterial.

The Ariel Swipe Bag, on the other hand, comes from a 3D print composed in a water-based gel that allows you to dispense with any support. It is made by recyclable silicone and platinum-cured.

The message one might take from it is curious and interesting: form matters less and less, while what is needed to innovate, to be sustainable, and to be interesting is the search for innovative and environmentally friendly materials. Another message could be about 3D printing itself growing in popularity and, more importantly, branching out into cutting-edge solutions underscoring its likely prominence in the manufacturing world of tomorrow.