A very successful initiative that focused public interest on national products and their fascinating history

An exhibition dedicated to French footwear which lasted for 12 days and highlighted some 900 models lent by about 130 leading designers, brands and shoe manufacturers, featuring historical documents and materials also from the famous Musée de Romans.
It was undoubtedly a very successful initiative that organized in Paris by the French Footwear Federation to promote the image of national production also through the launch of the new “French Signature” brand, that from now on will be used in all the initiatives of the sector. Named “La Chaussure, une passione française – Creation & Innovation depuis 150 ans” (Footwear a French passion – Creation and Innovation after 150 years), the event was divided into themed sections aimed at highlighting both the creative and technical-productive aspects, also underlining the unique character of some typical items such as the sabot, “espadrilla” and the “charentaise”.
Highlights of the event, held from 24 October to 4 November, included talks and exchanges with the public by some major players such as Robert Clergerie, Jean-Marc Gaucher (Repetto), Raymond Massaro and many others.The exhibition was such as success that the organizers have decided for next year to turn it into a kind of roadshow that will be hosted by the Museum of Romans from March to September 2013, then move to Bordeaux in October and end up the year in the Loire region.