Tariel Bisharyan
I founded Emerging Talents Milan in 2016, when I decided to cre- ate an agency specialising in business consultancy in the fashion industry,’ recalls Tariel Bisharyan. ‘I had many designer friends and I noticed that they were struggling to create a brand. They were very talented, they created great collections, but they needed entrepre- neurial support to develop their business’. Thus Emerging Talents Milan was born, a company that has worked with over 100 desi- gners from more than 50 countries, including Gianluca Alibrando, Vitor Zerbinato, Hian Tjen, Samir Kerzabi, and Faina. Every season, along with the clothing brands, luxury accessori- es are also presented, selected according to scrupulous criteria of quality and craftsmanship, mostly limited-edition products with timeless appeal, under the banner of zero-waste sustainability con- cepts. Here is a small but valuable selection of emerging talents.
Artuyt’s mission is to share the beauty and richness of Armenian art with the world by making scarves, ties and pocket handker- chiefs from exquisitely crafted fine materials such as silk, wool and cashmere. In this way, Artuyt brings to life the works of Armenian artists, from the Middle Ages to modern abstractism. Each piece is a masterpiece, taking months to complete and featuring unique details that showcase the talent and creativity of the artists and craftsmen in Como, where the production is made. Not surprisin- gly, the brand has collaborated with museums such as the Yerevan Museum of Modern Art, the Sergei Parajanov Museum, the Mu- seums of the Holy See in Echmiadzin, the Ervand Kochar Museum and Matenadaran. Over the years, Artuyt has also worked with le- ading artists such as Christine Mkrtchyan (who collaborates with Hermes), Laure Selignac, the Porcelain Factory in St. Petersburg, Henderson, Michael Aram, Taline Gallery Portret, etc. The target market is the United States, but the brand is also present in Italy and aims to expand into the United Arab Emirates, Asia (particu- larly Kazakhstan and Japan), the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Georgia. It also aims to expand its product range by introdu- cing jewellery accessories and porcelain sets for children.
Olesya Sakhro
Ukrainian, is inspired by her homeland and its colours to make her creations, but also by the paintings in the private collections of many famous people in the world, including fashion designer Kenzo Tokada and Austrian Crown Prince Carl von Habsburg. His bags use a unique and patented technique to create complex em- broideries of great artistic value, able to convey emotions, paint a character, tell a story. Unique pieces that require a lot of dedication and long workmanship, where the colour nuances of the embroi- dery appear as paintings. Particularly surprising is the presence of the same embroidery on both sides of the bag, making the acces- sory the true protagonist of each outfit.
A. Kar
The Los Angeles-based brand offers exquisitely handcrafted and unique luxury handbags and jewellery designed and created by Adrine Karapetyan.
Each unique FELTED WOOL bag is a one-of-a-kind piece of art created by the magical process of layering pure raw wool and silk, which mixed together create endless possibilities of textures, sha- pes and colours. GORG BAGS take their name from the Armenian word ‘gorg’ mea- ning ‘carpet’, as the fabric that makes them up is created using the same production techniques as carpets. The bright colours and meticulously carved patterns reflect the designer’s fashionable ap- proach and eye for detail. The combination of different techniques allows each bag to always be different and impossible to replicate.