After 20 years since its first edition was held in Brussels and after 3 years since the last Congress was held in Naples, the CEC has chosen Istanbul as the next host city for the WFC: a 'border' city, where Europe and Asia meet, and a choice that underlines the need, felt now more than ever, to all work together in supporting the footwear industry worldwide.
Moreover, in the global footwear scenario, Türkiye has placed itself as a major producer thanks to investments in modern manufacturing processes and high design capacity, that has allowed the country to establish large partnerships with worldwide footwear brands.
In less than three years since the last Congress was held in Naples, the world has experienced the greatest challenges since World War II, with the advent of a pandemic, the transportation crisis, material shortages, accelerating climate change, the war in Ukraine and the energy crisis. In this complex scenario, it is, therefore, more important than ever to collaborate and exchange with each other.
During the Istanbul Congress, industry professionals will have the opportunity to attend the contribution of relevant international speakers, but also to meet other companies and visits footwear factories.
Created in 2003 by the European Footwear Confederation (CEC), the World Footwear Congress aims at bringing closer all footwear industry players from all parts of the world with the aim of increasing international collaboration that supports the industry competitiveness and growth, while working together for a free and fair global market with equal chances for all on a reciprocal basis.