Focus on Associations
Associations news from our blog

45 years of Consortium Maestri Calzaturieri del Brenta
Double anniversary on the Brenta Riviera: the Footwear Polytechnic turns 20 and the Consortium Maestri Calzaturieri del Brenta celebrates almost a half century of activity.

Our DNA is our winning card
The CEO of Calzia – Yute de Caravaca, as well as the director of the YOUTE Festival, tells us what the association has done in support of member businesses and how the tradition of Spanish craft workmanship and sustainability can be a concrete advantage in the difficult challenges presented by the future.

Italian leather goods sector in 2020*
Due to Covid-19, industrial production and turnover collapsed in 2020, falling by more than a third compared to the levels reached in 20199

Riviera del Brenta, coming together as a team for footwear
Gilberto Ballin, President of Acrib proposes the States-General of Riviera del Brenta Footwear to create common goals among businesses, institutions, and trade unions

“Internationalisation and trans-seasonal tourism are our winning cards”
From more sustainable and ‘technological’ development to the promotion of ‘Garda Lake’ brands and leading trade fairs-conferences: Riva del Garda is ready to relaunch a proposal temporarily put on standby, which is made up by quality, services, and uniqueness, as explained by Adalberto Mosaner – Mayor of Riva del Garda.

FFANY and FDRA will be as one
This has been talked about for years and now it seems a done deal: next October FFANY will go under the aegis of FDRA. Only the final approval of FDRA’s Management Board is missing.

Liborio Sevilla leads the Footwear Manufacturers of La Rioja
Until the end of 2022, the CEO of Nuevo Milenio S.L. will take on the role of President of the La Rioja Footwear and Components Manufacturers’ Association (Aiccor), and of APIDIT, which manages the Footwear Technology Center of La Rioja (CTCR).

The footwear world makes its requests
With over 4,300 companies and 75,000 employees, the footwear sector represents one of the fundamental industrial segments of the fashion system and asks the Italian government to take prompt measures. Here are the key points proposed by Assocalzaturifici.

Impact of the coronavirus on Brazilian footwear
According to statements given by Haroldo Ferreira, executive president of Abicalçados, even conditions of the Brazilian footwear industry are getting worse

Portoguese footwear and coronavirus
An important European footwear manufacturer shows the first signs of difficulty facing the pandemic and gives an update of the situation in Portugal

Assocalzaturifici postpones the OBUV fair and cancels, for now, Almaty in Kazakhstan, La Moda Italiana in Kiev and Moda Made in Italy in Munich
After careful evaluation, Assocalzaturifici has decided to postpone the OBUV fair until 12 - 15 May 2020. All the other events have also been postponed to a date to be determined.

“Made in” protects Italian products
At Palazzo Chigi, the President of Assocalzaturifici, Siro Badon, asks the government’s institutions to approve mandatory “Made in” labelling

A network of research and technology for footwear
Under the auspice of the CEC- European Footwear Confederation, a new platform reunites nine European footwear technology centres, with the aim of furthering footwear research and know-how to the benefit of footwear manufacturers.

Europe according to Giovanna Ceolini
Vice President of Assocalzaturifici responsible for the European market, Giovanna Ceolini tells us about the on-going trends for Made in Italy in Europe in an exclusive interview.