In December 2020, ArteVenezia, the new brand of handmade and customised sneakers, which stands out for its stylized Lion of Venice logo, launched its e-commerce channel, placing the customer, environmental sustainability, and craft workmanship at the centre of its project.

Three goals that were achieved thanks to an attentive study of the product and territory: conceived in Riviera del Brenta, the footwear-manufacturing district that is internationally renowned for its great artisanal tradition, ArteVenezia entrusts its production to master artisans with an experience that has been handed down for many generations. Its sneakers are constructed following the directions of the customer who is free to choose from among six different models, while indicating personal preferences in terms of materials and colours used in the upper, the colours of the laces and eyelets, and even the material for the lining of the shoe.

In this way, not only is the production is on-demand and Kilometre-Zero, since 100% of the shoe is produced in Riviera del Brenta, from the individual parts to its assembly, but also material waste/discards and unnecessary pollution usually generated during transportation is avoided.