Focus on Markets
Markets news from our blog

Expo Riva Schuh as seen by international buyers
Adam Borzym, owner of Divino Group, and Mohamed Dembele, President of UCCI - Union des Commerçants de Côte d'Ivoire, talk about their markets and the opportunities offered by the Riva fair.

New ‘digital empathy’
New consumer choices – between digitalisation and a return to in-person experiences – are at the centre of the speech given by Paolo Mariottini (Genesys) at the Luxury Summit of Sole24Ore this past May, in what is a move towards a new customer experience.

Digital Marketing: between the post-cookie era and Generation Z
Second edition of Netcomm’s “Digital Marketing Focus for E-commerce and New Retail”, with the central role of Digital Marketing emerging with regards to customers, and especially Gen Z.

Leather goods on the road to recovery in 2021, but still far from pre-Covid levels
According to the preliminary data released by the Confindustria Moda Research Centre for Assopellettieri, the sector’s turnover is up by an encouraging +25.7% over 2020, while a gap with pre-pandemic levels still remains.

The future of B2B e-commerce
According to a study promoted by, in an increasingly “hybrid” future, buyers will increasingly look to online sourcing channels in search of trustworthy and reliable partners.

What’s new… the footwear-manufacturing market
Starting from the survey conducted at the end of 2021, Enrico Cietta – economist and President of the ERS Scientific Committee – together with Alberto Mattiello, looks at the scenario of the fashion industry on a global level along with its future prospects, in the spirit of one key word: integration.

What's new… Sustainability
A new Webinar of Expo Riva Show dedicated to sustainability in the footwear-manufacturing industry with protagonists Alberto Mattiello – member of the Expo Riva Schuh scientific committee - and William Wong – Chairman of the Federation of Hong Kong Brands and Vice President of the Hong Kong Footwear Association.

Menswear returns to a positive trend in 2021
In accordance with the Confindustria Moda for Smi Research Centre, in 2021, the Italian Men’s Fashion Industry and the Textile-Apparel supply chain on the whole experienced a return to a positive trend, leaving behind a 2020 characterised by a -19.5% drop-off in turnover.

Portuguese footwear invests in sustainability and innovation
Two 140 million euro projects - supported by the Recovery and Resilience Plan, APICCAPS and CTCP - with the aim of making the country the international benchmark in the development of sustainable solutions, as well as strengthening exports by investing in innovation and knowledge .

Purchase Phases and Effective Strategies
A new appointment with Expo Riva Show led by Jacqueline Wong, trend expert of WGSN, to discover the five key concepts that brands and retailers must consider to adapt to the post-pandemic context, with a focus on packaging, delivery methods and innovative retail sales models.

Moving towards the ‘new normal’
Sara Bernabè, General Manager of Italy Planet, presents the physiognomy of the new post-Covid consumer, the new consumer approach to purchasing, and forecasts for the near future.

Anti-Greenwashing Communication
The new session of Expo Riva Show provided a report on how brands can avoid “greenwashing”. The analysis of some case histories conducted by WGSN has for example brought some brands to shine for their transparent and sustainable communication.

Five strategies for a sustainable world
Promoted by Expo Riva Schuh & Gardabags, in collaboration with WGSN, the digital event conducted by Ailis Swords-McDonnell explored the key strategies of sustainability, which in the years to come will allow companies to remain competitive.

Sustainability: how can ‘green washing’ be avoided?
Claudio Marenzi (Herno) and Jacopo Schettini Gherardini (Standard Ethics) tackle the theme that is more relevant today than ever before, but also controversial, that of sustainability and how it must start from the industry and by sharing the relative costs along the fashion supply chain with reciprocity occurring on a global level.